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RM-18 Fast Acting Weed & Grass Killer 32 oz

RM-18 Fast Acting Weed & Grass Killer 32 oz
Our Price: $22.99

Quantity in Stock:4

Product Code: RM75435

Description Ingredients
When you want fast results with minimal prep, RM18 is your total weed control solution for unwanted brush, broadleaf plants, and grass. Perfect for lawn replacement, clearing walkways, and leveling weeds along fence lines, buildings, and roadsides, RM18 kills the weeds while leaving fertile soil available for the plants you want–any product not absorbed by the plant will deactivate after it touches the ground.
    • Mix 6 fluid ounces (12 tablespoons or ¾ cup) per gallon of water for every 300 square feet (not to exceed three applications at that rate per year)
    • Apply to actively growing brush, vines and weeds.
    • Woody brush and vines are controlled better in late summer and fall after fruit formation, at least four weeks before first killing frost.
    • If woody vines and brush are mowed or cut, wait until full leaf formation before treatment.
    • Do not cut or mow brush, vines or perennial weeds for two months following treatment to allow for the herbicide to be distributed within the plant.
    • Dead poisonous plants like poison oak and poison ivy can still cause allergic reactions. Dispose of plants with rubber gloves and place in tightly sealed garbage bags.
    • Additional treatments may be necessary for exceptionally hardy plants.

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