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Microlife Humic/Fulvic Acid Complex Gallon

Microlife Humic/Fulvic Acid Complex Gallon
Our Price: $34.00

Quantity in Stock:3

Product Code: 71375799771

Description Technical Specs
Humic/Fulvic Acid along with Kelp is a cornerstone of all things good, of all things Organic. Humic Acid (Humates) is carbon and carbon is the building block of all life. We put Humic/ Fulvic Acid or Humates in all that we make as we believe it to be absolutely essential. Our Humic Acid Complex feeds the beneficial microbes that live in the soil and as those numbers increase we see soil re-structured for the betterment of plants.
  • Humic Acid Complex 15%

    also stimulates root growth, chelates minerals, promotes more efficient absorption of minerals by the plants through the roots and leaves, removes salts and toxics, pushes soils more fungal (reduction of weeds in turfgrass), provides over 47 minerals, loosens clay soils allowing more oxygen flow and in sandy soils tightens the aggregates together, increases the soil CEC (nutrient capacity) and buffers the pH. Very remarkable product and inexpensive to use.

    Humic Acid Complex 15% will not burn and is completely safe. All plants and soils benefit from Humic Acid Complex 15%.

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